sesuatu yang mahal dan sukar dipelihara bahasa Inggris
- sesuatu: something; anything; such-and-such; launching;
- sesuatu yang: a matter of; something that
- yang: a one; of that which; of which; ones which; that;
- mahal: at a price; costly; dear; expensive; high cost;
- dan: and; or; n; following; both; then; along with;
- sukar: arduous; complicated; difficult; hardly; tough;
- sesuatu yang sukar dipelihara: a white elephant
- berbuat sesuatu yang sukar: take the plunge; taken the plunge; taking the plunge; took the plunge
- berpakaian yang paling indah dan mahal: get all dolled up; geting all dolled up
- cara yang sukar: a hard way
- keadaan yang sangat sukar: out of one's depth
- orang yang sukar dihadapi: an ugly customer
- mahal dan terkenal: famous and precious
- mewah dan mahal: exclusive
- . yang lebih mahal: more costly